
How to Perfect Your Freestyle with Taylor Made Techniques

  • June 13, 2024
How to Perfect Your Freestyle with Taylor Made Techniques

Freestyle swimming is one of the most popular and versatile swimming strokes, known for its smooth, continuous motion and rhythmic breathing technique. Whether you’re a beginner looking to improve your form or an experienced swimmer aiming to enhance your performance, mastering the art of freestyle requires dedication, practice, and a few Taylor-made techniques.

Understanding the Basics of Freestyle

Before delving into advanced techniques, it’s crucial to master the basics of freestyle swimming. Here are a few key elements to keep in mind:

Body Position

  • Head: Keep your head in line with your body, looking straight down at the bottom of the pool.
  • Torso: Maintain a straight, horizontal body position with your core engaged to reduce drag.
  • Legs: Kick from the hips with quick, fluttering kicks to provide propulsion without creating excessive drag.
  • Arms: Reach forward with each stroke, extending your arm fully before pulling back through the water.


  • Breathe: Inhale quickly to the side while turning your head slightly, then exhale underwater to maintain a continuous breathing rhythm.
  • Bilateral Breathing: Practice breathing on both sides to improve balance and symmetry in your stroke.

Fine-Tuning Your Technique

Once you’ve mastered the basics, it’s time to focus on refining your freestyle technique using Taylor-made strategies:

Catch and Pull

  • High Elbow Catch: Focus on catching the water with your forearm in a high elbow position to maximize propulsion.
  • Powerful Pull: Pull through the water with a powerful and fluid motion, utilizing your back and core muscles for efficiency.

Rotation and Kick

  • Body Rotation: Rotate your body from side to side with each stroke to engage more muscles and increase propulsion.
  • Kicking Efficiency: Practice maintaining a steady kick tempo and minimizing drag by keeping your legs close together.

Stroke Rate and Distance per Stroke

  • Stroke Rate: Find a comfortable and sustainable stroke rate that allows you to maintain speed without sacrificing technique.
  • Distance per Stroke: Aim to cover more distance with each stroke by focusing on a longer reach and a strong pull phase.

Advanced Drills and Exercises

To take your freestyle to the next level, incorporate these Taylor-made drills and exercises into your training routine:

Fist Drill

  • Swim freestyle with closed fists to emphasize the catch and pull phase, improving strength and propulsion.

One-Arm Drill

  • Swim with one arm extended forward and the other by your side to enhance body rotation and arm positioning.

Hypoxic Training

  • Gradually increase the number of strokes between breaths to enhance lung capacity and breath control.

Interval Training

  • Alternate between sprint intervals and recovery periods to improve speed, endurance, and overall performance.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

While perfecting your freestyle technique, watch out for these common mistakes that can hinder your progress:

  • Overreaching: Avoid reaching too far forward, as it can lead to shoulder strain and inefficient strokes.
  • Crossing Over: Keep your hands in line with your body to prevent “crossing over” and losing propulsion.
  • Lack of Rotation: Insufficient body rotation can limit your power and speed, so focus on rotating from the hips.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How can I improve my breathing technique in freestyle?

Focus on exhaling continuously underwater, practice bilateral breathing, and gradually increase the distance between breaths during training.

2. What is the most effective way to increase my speed in freestyle swimming?

Work on developing a strong underwater pull, enhance your kicking efficiency, and incorporate interval training to improve your speed over time.

3. Is it necessary to use specific swimming gear for freestyle training?

While not mandatory, using gear such as swim fins, pull buoys, and paddles can help enhance specific aspects of your freestyle technique and overall performance.

4. How can I prevent shoulder injuries while practicing freestyle swimming?

Focus on maintaining proper form, gradually increase your training intensity, include shoulder-strengthening exercises in your routine, and listen to your body to avoid overuse injuries.

5. What role does mental preparation play in improving freestyle performance?

Mental preparation, including visualization, goal setting, and positive self-talk, can significantly impact your confidence, focus, and overall performance in freestyle swimming.

By incorporating these Taylor-made techniques, drills, and exercises into your freestyle training regimen, you can enhance your technique, speed, and efficiency in the water. Remember to stay consistent, seek feedback from coaches or experienced swimmers, and enjoy the process of mastering this dynamic and rewarding swimming stroke.

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